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PostPosted: Fri 22:33, 02 Aug 2013    Post subject: What the Best Writing Teachers Know_4

with oneself can lead to logical enlightenment. As Kafka himself once said,, "One advantage in keeping a diary is that you become aware with reassuring clarity of the changes which you constantly suffer."I have been lucky enough to experience an awakening to the second dimension of writing firsthand. At my high school, a BASIS charter school in Scottsdale, Arizona, every student must take both honors language and honors literature as a freshman. In other words, we take two English classes a day, five days a week. As an incoming ninth grader, I was skeptical of this system. To me, English was English. Wouldn't doubling our intake just be redundant? I couldn't have been more mistaken. In both language and literature, we read and learn to compose essays. However, the key difference is that literature calls for discussion where language calls for rhetorical analysis. After being encouraged to engage with (and not just pick apart) what I was reading, I learned to recognize writing's second dimension. Instead

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