of court with the eminent King's Counsel who had defended his friend and client, "the little lady wins." His companion looked sideways at him and smiled. "Honestly, Glover, do you believe that poor girl could do so dastardly a thing as nike air max 1 lie about the man she loves?" "She loves!" repeated Jack Glover witheringly. nike air max one "I think you are prejudiced," said nike air 1 the counsel, shaking his head. "Personally, I believe that Meredith is a lunatic; I am satisfied nike air classic that all he told nike air one us about the interview he had with the girl was born of a nike air max 90 diseased imagination. I was terribly impressed when I saw Jean Briggerland in the box. She--by Jove, there is the lady!" They had reached air max 1 the entrance of the Court. A big car was standing by